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Insights on Strategy and Integrity - Beyond The Obvious

My Father's Legacy Elin Hauge My Father's Legacy Elin Hauge

You must not sleep!

If you keep on ignoring the injustice done to others, then one day, when injustice befalls you, there will be nobody to help you. Courage is not about absence of fear, it is about doing what you believe is right even when you are afraid.

You must not sleep!

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Boardwork Elin Hauge Boardwork Elin Hauge

Vårens styrevalg er tid for klokskap, ikke bekjentskap

En klassiske tilnærming til styrevalg er "hvem kjenner vi" - faktisk så mange som 80% av norske styremedlemmer hentes inn på dette grunnlaget. Jeg legger godviljen til og velger å tro at dette handler om opplevd trygghet, fordi vedkommende har lang fartstid og bransjeerfaring. Utfordringen er at den verden vi nå står i krever en langt større bredde i ferdigheter og kunnskap enn det man har trengt tidligere. Samtidig har styrenes rolle endret seg fra å være en ren kontrollinstans til også å være en strategisk motor for selskapet.

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Artificial Intelligence Elin Hauge Artificial Intelligence Elin Hauge

DeepSeek is a whale shark, not a Black Swan

I'm not surprised by the launch of Deepseek. I'm surprised by all the intelligent people out there who are surprised about the launch of Deepseek. Many an investor has called Deep Seek a Black Swan over the last few weeks.

The transformer technology is well-known. It's open. Altman's empire was built on a perceived oligopoly, where OpenAI as perceived market leader held the throne. Strategically, it was only a matter of time until some company somewhere launched an approach to LLM which is much more efficient than OpenAI's tech stack.

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Sustainability Elin Hauge Sustainability Elin Hauge

Digitalization Gone Astray

Digitalization in general and artificial intelligence in particular is often proclaimed to be the solution to most, if not all, sustainability challenges. We tend to think that digital is sustainable, because the data are just flying wirelessly through the air. We are, however, behaving like the mythical ostrich with its head in the sand. As we enter the festive holidays, consumption is surging. Wrapped in glossy paper we give and receive the latest and coolest within digital electronics, “powered by AI”.

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