You must not sleep!

Foto: My father, Rolf Hauge, and our border collie Zanto, around 1985

Disclaimer: I am Norwegian, I grew up in a free country built on independence, free speech, equality, and democracy. I have never experienced war. I have, however, grown up with a PoW survivor - my father. I have first-hand experience from living with the life-long impact of fascism/nazism, terror, and torture.

From I was about five years old and for the next fifteen years, my father spent the majority of his time on educating young adults and soldiers about what unleashed the Nazi regime, the horrors of war, and the massive Red Cross rescue operation, "The White Buses", which brought him and thousands of other Norwegians and Danes home in 1945. His motivation was to prevent fascism and nazism from tightening its claws on our world ever again.

You are probably trying to figure out the math here; I'm 48 and he would have been 101 now. Sadly, he passed away when I was 21.

 Helplessly, I am now watching what used to be the most powerful nation on this planet turn into a fascist dictatorship within weeks. The extent of despotism, propaganda, and narcissistic manipulation is shocking. Why are the opposing voices so low-key?

Yes, I acknowledge that there is so much I don't understand about US politics. I am in many ways a complete ignorant. Still, why are the opposing voices so low-key?

The famous poem "You must not sleep!" by Arnulf Øverland was first published in 1936 in Norwegian in the magazine Samtiden, and later published in the poetry collection Den Røde Front (1937). Here is a translation by Kim Wingerei (Arnulf Øverland - Kim Wingerei - writer, translator, poet, traveller):

You must not sleep!

I woke up last night

from a dream so strange

a voice calling me from deep

I got up and I asked

what do you want?


You must not sleep,

you must not sleep!

it wasn’t just a dream!


Yesterday they sentenced me

last night they erected the gallows

this morning my time has come


The camp is full

cell after cell

cold concrete floors

we lay here waiting

not knowing who will be next


We scream, we groan

nobody hears us

nobody sees us

nobody knows

the fate that befalls us


You say that you do not know

such evil does not exist

decent people will save me

My brother

you have so much to learn


They told us to give our lives

to save our freedom

And now that we have

it was all in vain

the world has betrayed us!


You must not sleep


You must not go to your work

counting your profits

use your daily travails

to excuse your silence


You must not sit in the

comfort of your home

and say how you feel

for those dying abroad


You must not endure

so very well

the injustice

that does not affect yourself


Crying out with my very last breath

you must not sleep

you must not forgive!


They know what they do

fuelling the flames

of hatred and evil

enjoying the killing

taking pleasure in pain

wishing to see the end

in an ocean of blood


I did not understand

now it’s too late


My sentence just

my punishment deserved


I believed in progress

I believed in peace

in hard work, friendship and love


Now I know

that those not prepared to die together

they die alone

on the executioners block


I cry out in the dark

if only you could hear

save your children

the world is burning


You must not sleep


Shaking with cold

I get dressed

I walk outside

The dawn is near

The gallows await


You must not endure

so very well

the injustice

that does not affect yourself.


You must not sleep.


If you keep on ignoring the injustice done to others, then one day, when injustice befalls you, there will be nobody to help you. Courage is not about absence of fear, it is about doing what you believe is right even when you are afraid.

 You must not sleep!


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